Emma Spencer

What is your favorite part of gameday?

Pregame!! Standing in the tunnels waiting for our video to play on the jumbotron and hearing the Herald Trumpets play is one of the best feelings. No matter what, every pregame is so fun and enjoyable.

What do you like about Marching Knights?

My favorite thing about the Marching Knights is the community that we create. No matter what you will always find a way to make a friend and have a good time.

What are you most excited about for this season?

I’m excited that we are moving to the Big 12 this upcoming season! This gives us and our athletic program a lot of fun and exciting opportunities that I’m incredibly excited for.

Describe a favorite hobby of yours.

Like many, my hobbies change quite frequently, but one that I have been stuck with that I love is reading. I love to read and review books.