Brendan Diffendaffer

What is your favorite part of gameday?

My favorite part about gameday is playing in front of the Student Union. There is so much energy when we are there and it is cool to see the Marching Knight alumni, the parents, and fellow students enjoy the music we will play later on the field.

What do you like about Marching Knights?

I like the camaraderie the Marching Knights have with each other. Because of this, we are able to produce well-connected sections that help get everyone involved. Because of our camaraderie, the Marching Knights becomes a community that welcomes everyone.

What are you most excited about for this season?

I am most excited for our BOA exhibitionary performance. I have not done a BOA field performance in 3 years, so this will be a very fun experience.

Describe a favorite hobby of yours.

A hobby of mine is plane spotting. I go to MCO and take pictures of passing aircraft. I do this because aviation has been a passion of mine since I was very young, and it is cool to see the size and power of these marvels of human engineering.