Schmidt Collection Request

Step is active

Request scores

If you haven’t already, visit the Schmidt Collection and add scores to your request.

Step is pending

Receive shipping instructions

Once your request is received, you’ll get a response confirming whether the item(s) requested are available, as well as dimension and weight details to inform your shipping calculation.

Step is pending

Provide a shipping label

Use the provided shipping details to create and pay for a USPS, UPS, or FedEx shipping label, then email it to [email protected]. Note: the “ship from” zip code for your label should be 32816.

Step is pending

Receive, use, and return requested scores

Once the shipping label is received, your item(s) will be shipped to you according to the details on the shipping label. It will then be your responsibility to ship the item(s) back (address will be provided) upon the date you’ve indicated that you will be done with the materials.

Dr. Scott Lubaroff

Director of Bands

  • Staff member has bio
  • Staff member has email address
  • Staff member has phone number
Read more about Dr. Scott Lubaroff

"*" indicates required fields

This will automatically be populated when adding scores from the Schmidt Collection.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY