CBDNA Athletic Bands Symposium

Sponsorship Opportunities


Tremon Kizer, Director of Athletic Bands, UCF Bands

[email protected] | (407) 823-2212 work | (816) 809-1393 mobile

Dave Schreier, Associate Director of Athletic Bands, UCF Bands

[email protected] | (407) 823-6133 work | (407) 808-8122 mobile

Every level may be optionally supplemented with additional monies for Division II, III, and NAIA attendee scholarships. For levels with table space, dimensions will be provided at least two weeks prior to the event.

Headlining: $5,000 (limited to one sponsor)

  • Four conference registrations, four golf tournament registrations (includes lunch and transport), and four banquet registrations -or- can elect to convert some registration amounts into scholarship(s) to assist an attendee from a Division II, III, or NAIA school
  • Acknowledgement (including logo you provide) on conference website, printed program and/or program app (we are currently exploring digital options such as the app “Guidebook”), and social media
    • Will receive “presented by” recognition for the event (“hosted by” reserved for the UCF Bands)
    • Full page in printed program
  • Opportunity to address the assembled attendees over microphone (remarks 5 minutes max.; may select during event opening or during banquet)
  • Ability to have input as to designated use of funds (ex. hospitality, facilities, etc.)
  • Display table in conference meeting space

Sustaining: $2,500

  • Two conference registrations, two golf tournament registrations (includes lunch and transport), and two banquet registrations -or- can elect to convert some registration amounts into scholarship(s) to assist an attendee from a Division II, III, or NAIA school
  • Acknowledgement (including logo you provide) on conference website, printed program and/or program app (we are currently exploring digital options such as the app “Guidebook”), and social media
    • Full page in printed program
  • Ability to have input as to designated use of funds (ex. hospitality, facilities, etc.)
  • Display table in conference meeting space

Engaging: $1500

  • Two conference registrations and two banquet registrations -or- can elect to convert some registration amounts into scholarship(s) to assist an attendee from a Division II, III, or NAIA school
  • Acknowledgement (including logo you provide) on conference website, printed program and/or program app (we are currently exploring digital options such as the app “Guidebook”), and social media
    • Half page in printed program
  • Ability to have input as to designated use of funds (ex. hospitality, facilities, etc.)
  • Display table in conference meeting space

Supporting: $750

  • One conference registration and one banquet registration
  • Acknowledgement (including logo you provide) on conference website, printed program and/or program app (we are currently exploring digital options such as the app “Guidebook”), and social media
    • Quarter page in printed program
  • Display table in conference meeting space

Introducing: $300

  • One conference registration
  • Acknowledgement (including logo you provide) on conference website, printed program and/or program app (we are currently exploring digital options such as the app “Guidebook”), and social media